At Live The Dream Youth Alliance (L.T.D.Y.A), we believe in the power of collaboration to create lasting impact. Our alliances are built on shared values, mutual support, and a collective mission to empower youth and transform communities.
We proudly partner with organizations, community leaders, and businesses who share our vision of guiding young people from challenges to triumphs. Together, we create opportunities for mentorship, skill development, and positive growth.
By working in alliance with us, our partners play a vital role in helping us deliver impactful programs such as the Reentry Success Program, DreamBuilders Youth Empowerment Program, and various community initiatives designed to inspire and uplift.
Join us in making a difference. Together, we can rebuild futures—one step at a time.
Interested in partnering with us?
Contact us today and explore how we can collaborate to create lasting change in the lives of Toronto’s youth.